What Our Clients Say

Keller Williams Spartanburg Realtor

 She goes above and beyond.
Pam is awesome. I have bought and sold houses for 20 years with her help. She goes above and beyond to help find a home or close a sale. She is a hard worker, knowledgeable and a good negotiator. I would never use a different realtor .
- zuser20170330150859771
 I was really surprised how fast our house sold.

It was a wonderful experience. She kept me informed, excellent communication, fast to answer any questions or concerns I had throughout the whole process. I was really surprised how fast our house sold. The whole process went quickly and without incident.

- deborah collins51
 Pam always will go the EXTRA mile for you.
Pam always will go the EXTRA mile for you. She’s kind and honest. You know when you call Pam to find a house or sell a house for you it’s a done deal no worries!
- Carol Dimmery
 Excellent realtor! Pam is very professional.
Excellent realtor! Pam is very professional.
- Debbie Hughes
 Pam always had our best interest in mind.
Pam was very professional and patiently guided us through our home sale. We were always kept up to date, and Pam always had our best interest in mind as decisions were made. We highly recommend Pam to assist others in their home purchases/sales.
- Debbie Walker Irby
 We would recommend her to anyone
Pam assisted my husband and I when we sold our homes and purchased a new one. We told her what we were looking for and she went to work and found us the perfect place. We would recommend her to anyone that is looking to buy or sell any real estate. Even if you gave a question, just call her. If she doesn’t know the answer she will research until she finds it.
- Connie Gilbert

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